Example Specials Board



Tomato and lentil soup
Sweet potato, red pepper and coconut soup
Either soup with: local bread and butter £6.80

Warm cheese scone and butter £8.20

Cheese scone, Shropshire butter, organic cheddar and hand-made chutney £10.00


Salmon and smoked salmon fishcakes with lemon mayonnaise and mixed salads or vegetables £15.00

Shropshire lamb, red wine and rosemary casserole with new potatoes and vegetables £16.00

Cottage pie (made with local beef) with vegetables £15.00

Asparagus and English brie tart with mixed salads and  local bread £13.90


Raspberry bakewell tart with Cheshire ice cream or clotted cream  £7.00

Pineapple and pistachio meringue with ice cream or clotted cream £6.80

Sticky Shropshire Lass and Hereford cassis pudding with ice cream or clotted cream £7.00

Two scoops of Cheshire ice cream (vanilla, chocolate or strawberry) or blackcurrant sorbet with a home-made biscuit £4.90

Two scoops of vanilla ice cream with Pedro Ximenez sherry to pour over £7.00

Two scoops of blackcurrant sorbet with Hereford blackcurrant cassis to pour over £7.00

Opening Hours

We are open from 09.00 to 16.45 daily for eat-in and takeaways.

Award Winning Food & Drink

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We have four rooms including a lounge, conservatory and a courtyard.


Berry's Coffee House is in the top 10% of restaurants worldwide.