Bakery and Desserts

Scone with Shropshire farm butter £3.50

Scone, Shropshire farm butter and strawberry jam £4.00

Scone, clotted cream and strawberry jam £4.50

Gluten-free (†) vegan scone with Shropshire farm butter or dairy-free spread £5.00
(£5.50 with strawberry jam)

Fruit scone with Shropshire farm butter £3.80

Cheese scone (made with Calon Wen organic cheddar) with farm butter £4.10

Gluten-free (†) cheese scone with Shropshire farm butter £5.40

Cheese scone, farm butter, organic cheddar and hand-made tomato chutney £6.20

Gluten-free (†) cheese scone, farm butter, organic cheddar and tomato chutney £7.50

Toasted tea-cake with Shropshire farm butter £3.60

One round of Stretton white or multigrain brown toast with Shropshire farm butter £1.90 (£2.40 with strawberry jam or runny honey, £2.70 with thick-cut marmalade)

One round of gluten-free (†) toast with Shropshire farm butter £2.20 (£2.70 with strawberry jam or runny honey, £3.00 with thick-cut marmalade)

Flapjack (made with Pimhill Farm organic oats) £3.20

Chocolate brownie £3.50


Bakewell tart with ice cream or clotted cream £7.60

Sticky Shropshire Lass and Hereford cassis pudding with ice cream or clotted cream £7.60

Mixed fruit and nut meringue (†) with Cheshire ice cream or clotted cream £7.60

Two scoops of Cheshire ice cream (vanilla, chocolate or strawberry) or
blackcurrant sorbet (*) with a home-made biscuit £5.60

Two scoops of vanilla ice cream with Pedro Ximenez sherry (25ml) to pour over £7.60

Two scoops of blackcurrant sorbet (*) with Hereford blackcurrant cassis (25ml)
to pour over £7.60

(*) Our sorbet is dairy- and egg-free
(†) NGCI (non gluten-containing ingredients)

All our prices include VAT

All tips are shared equally between the staff

If you have any special dietary requirements, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate them.  We have dairy-free spread and Canderel and can provide salad without any dressing.  Please ask for gluten-free bread (£1 extra) or salads; we can tell you which of Today’s Specials are NGCI or dairy-free:  our soups are normally, but not always, both.

Opening Hours

We are open from 09.00 to 16.45 daily for eat-in and takeaways.

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We have four rooms including a lounge, conservatory and a courtyard.


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